Game Interface


The map is a 2-D strategy vantage point from which you can view the entire battlefield and the status of all viewable sectors and vehicles. Use it to
navigate squads and beam your Host Station, to locate enemy vehicles and sectors, and to conquer technology upgrades, power stations, and key sectors and beam gates. Click the following graphic for information on each item.

Sector Detail
Click to display all buildings, technology upgrades, key sectors, and beam gates. When this layer is turned off, sectors appear as plain squares with no feature detail.

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Sector Ownership
Click to display an outline around every sector in the color corresponding to the faction that owns it. When this layer is turned off, sectors appear with no outlines.

Blue = The Resistance
Red = Ghorkovs
Yellow = Taerkastens
White = Mykonians
Green = Sulgogars

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Vehicle Status
Click to display all vehicle life bars, vector lines, and weapon projectiles.

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Unlock/Lock Map
Click to display and lock your current location at the center of the map. To locate a lost vehicle, double-click the vehicle in the Squadron Manager, and then lock the map.

Click the Unlock/Lock Map button again to unlock the map.

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Zoom In
Click to get a closer view of squad vehicle types and their health status. Click repeatedly to zoom in farther.

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Zoom Out
Click to gain a long-distance view optimal for strategic planning. Click repeatedly to zoom out farther.

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Title Bar
Drag to move the map to another area on your game screen.

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Window Resize
Drag to increase or decrease the map size.

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Multiple Waypoints
Facilitate navigation around buildings, blockades, cliffs, and other obstacles by using multiple waypoints. On the map, select the squad you want to relocate, and then press SHIFT while clicking the squad's first, second, and any subsequent destination points.

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Power Station
Indicates that a power station is within this sector. The color of the sector outline designates the faction that currently owns it. The number of white boxes in the sector's upper-left corner indicates the power station's current energy output. The more white boxes, the greater the output.

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Technology Upgrade
Indicates that a technology upgrade is within this sector. If the symbol is blinking, an enemy currently owns this sector. The color of the sector outline designates the faction that currently owns it. Conquer a technology upgrade to upgrade your vehicle and building list on the create menu. Lose a technology sector to the enemy, and you lose the vehicle or building upgrade you earned to the enemy.

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Key Sector
Conquer all key sectors to open the beam gates. If the symbol is blinking, an enemy currently owns this sector. The color of the sector outline designates the faction that currently owns it. Once all key sectors are conquered, transport your Host Station to a beam gate to advance to the next level.

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Open Beam Gate
Beam your Host Station to this sector to advance to the next level. The blinking arrow indicates that the beam gate is currently open. Please note that an open beam gate and a closed beam gate would never occur simultaneously during a game.

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Closed Beam Gate
Conquer all key sectors to open the beam gate. A nonblinking arrow indicates that the beam gate is currently closed. Please note that an open beam gate and a closed beam gate would never occur simultaneously during a game.

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Vehicle Symbols
Differentiate all vehicles, whether yours or your enemies, by their faction colors. When the map is zoomed out, the vehicle types can be differentiated by their geometric shapes. When the map is zoomed in, the vehicle types are recognizable by their symbols.
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Life Bars
Note the life bar over the top of each vehicle to check its current health. Green indicates good health, yellow damaged, and red critical. To view the life bars, turn on the
Vehicle Status layer on your map.

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Vector Lines
Different vector lines indicate a vehicle's weapon projectile and firing direction as well as a squad's destination and combat point. To view the vector lines, turn on the
Vehicle Status layer on the map.

Dark blue = connection between squad leader and drones
Yellow = squad's destination
Red = engaged in combat with target

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Toggle Map Size
Click the Toggle Map Size button to switch the map between a larger and smaller size.

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Click the Help button to bring you to this page of online Help.

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Click the Close button to close the map.

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